Open tuesday to saturday



in Meilen since 2013

Psychotherapy, coaching & mental training in Meilen on Lake Zurich

For adults and young adults (high school, apprentices, students)

Since I love variety, I offer a variety of offers:



The way is the goal, but where is the way to go?
I support you on your way through difficult times.
Stress, burnout, sleep disorders, fears, high sensitivity, addictions or trauma.
As a recognized psychotherapist in the canton of Zurich, your health insurance will pay for the psychological psychotherapy. This requires an order from your doctor.


A busy schedule is far from being a full life
Do you find yourself in a demanding life situation professionally or privately? Do you long for clarity, stability and change?
Life cannot be separated from work as suggested by the work-life balance. That’s why I don’t make a distinction between business coaching and life coaching.
The determination of the position includes the clarification of the matter, the detection of inner blockages as well as the values ​​and goals. Then we develop concrete ideas for the next steps on the individual or organizational level
Onlinesucht Gamesucht
Gewohnheiten ändern

Mental Training

The power of thought
Would you like to use your full potential? Are you looking for tools for dealing with nervousness and exam anxiety?
Nervousness and fears are part of it when it comes to something. Whether in sport or in the final exam. Those who are mentally prepared have their way clearly in view and remain focused. With the use of mental techniques, breathing exercises, heart rate variability and techniques of self-regulation in dealing with blocking thoughts and beliefs, you get powerful tools at hand. Depending on your objectives, I will put together an individual program for you. Duration between 3 and 7 sessions

Coaching conversations & mindfulness in nature

Walk & Talk

In psychotherapy and coaching, people usually sit across from each other. However, many people find it easier to talk about their problems while walking. Nature has a positive effect on the senses and you get closer.Forest bathing (Shinrin Yoku) has a long tradition in Japan. Since 2012 the university has even had a medical research branch called «Forest Medicine».


From tour guide to psychotherapist

Before studying psychology, I lived abroad for 5 years (Peru, USA, Israel, Norway, Zimbabwe, Borneo). As a tour guide, I took my customers on the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, Mount Kinabalu in Sabah and into the depths of the Amazon. As a trained Person-centered talk and body psychotherapist, I will accompany you on your inner journeys today.


A room with a view: Practice in the "Haus am See in Meilen"

  • Psychotherapie Meilen
  • Psychotherapie Stäfa
  • Stress
  • Haus am See

"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding about ourselves" (C.G. Jung)

Haus am See, General-Wille-Strasse 144, 8706 Meilen (Feldmeilen)

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